Mechanical Decision Making on Software Projects

Each choice you make as a software engineer, from the selection of tools, technologies,...

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Component UI State Is Never Enough

I’ve been following a certain React ‘Guru’ for some time now who...

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Should You Use An IOC Container In Your JavaScript UI App?


In a UI app we need to separate code structures to abide by the single...

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You Need A Minimum of 3 Data Layers For UI Architecture

Today I’m going to explain why you need a minimum of 3 layers in your UI...

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The Scientific Process for UI Architecture

In today’s article we are going to establish the science and process of UI...

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The Observer Pattern for Better UI Architecture

Today I’m going to show you a major pattern that underlies all good UI...

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Should You Use a State Library in JavaScript UI Apps

In the world of JavaScript, there are a lot of useful state management solutions like...

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How To Upgrade Your React UI Architecture

The React documentation tells us that React is a simple library to build encapsulated...

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End-To-End Testing Encourages Bad UI Architecture (React, Angular, Vue)

Software development is still a young industry and it’s important that we (as...

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